Continue to Voice our Frustration - " NSW Minister Macdonald and his staff have received over 1,000 emails and many phone calls expressing opposition to what is seen as favouritism for the racing sector" We can make a difference!
Found this on a TB Website this morning.........
AHIC aggrieved
AUSTRALIA - The Australian Horse Industry Council – an umbrella organization representing all sectors of the equine community including the thoroughbred industry – says an increasing number of horse owners are aggrieved at perceived preferential treatment given to the thoroughbred sector.
“We do not see why racehorses are allowed to travel up to 5km daily in amber zones to a racetrack when other horses are not allowed to move 500 metres to a different paddock,” AHIC stated.
However, the AHIC said in a statement today that despite increasing challenges as ‘state argues against state, minister against minister and racing versus everyone else” it believed that with 100 per cent support and compliance, the prospects of eradicating EI were good.
“If you live in NSW or Queensland you might be suffering movement restrictions, loss of income, sick horses and numerous other complications from our first big encounter with an exotic disease,” it told members.
“If you live in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia you might want all movements in NSW and Qld restricted to ensure that the disease does not spread southwards.“
“The disease control efforts are … a compromise between getting things back to normal as soon as possible and removing all risk that the disease will spread further.”
“We know that all horses are equally susceptible to EI and that the value that owners place on their horses does not equate to their purchase price.
Therefore, we understand the extreme anger that has been generated among horse owners as vaccines are allocated by political decisions to protect racehorses before non-racing horses,” AHIC said.
“We have conveyed this sense of frustration to NSW Minister Macdonald. He and his staff have received over 1,000 emails and many phone calls expressing opposition to what is seen as favouritism for the racing sector. Despite this the NSW Government still gives support in decision making and financial support to the racing sector,” it said.
“The reality is that racing has a much greater political and media pull than other horse interests. The average punter and voter have more interest in racing than in what the recreational horse riders do with their horses,” the AHIC said.
The AHIC has to be even handed about horse industry problems… the disruption of the racing sector has a great economic impact. The vaccination of racehorses has little to do with the health of the horses. It is being done to protect racing. Yes, it is all about money. The horse industry is a very big employer and generates economic benefit. Therefore if we wish to limit the economic impact of EI, racing has to have a priority,” AHIC maintained.
“But if the thoroughbred industry is to be protected, the disease must be controlled in the general horse population. The ongoing containment and control of EI depends on disease control in non racing horses which represent at least 80 per cent of the total population. We strongly support the NSW and QLD decisions to make vaccination of buffer zones the highest priority. The horses in the buffer zones are overwhelmingly non racing horses.
“The thoroughbred racing and breeding interests have enjoyed advantages such as earlier release from movement restrictions, earlier vaccination and potentially earlier release from quarantine control.
“The AHIC continues to argue for these freedoms to be granted to the wider population.”
AHIC says it would like to see the extension of purple zones so that other breeds can move their mares to stallions as has been allowed for thoroughbreds.
“Many breeders will go broke if their breeding operations are halted. Luckily most breeds can start to serve in October with little economic loss – this is a more rational start to the breeding season as has been recognised by Standardbred breeders.
“We do realise that creation of more purple zones or the widespread use of vaccine may delay an area being removed from quarantine because it may be harder to prove freedom from infection.
“We also hear of discrepancies between controls being implemented differently in different states. Since early in the outbreak NSW horses have been allowed to move to a veterinary hospital for welfare reasons. In Queensland these movements have been restricted.
“Movements and horse events are now allowed in green zones subject to conditions imposed by the DPI. These areas will be extended as red and amber zones shrink with successful containment.”