If you have a story to share or comment to make, simply email blogEI@horsedeals.com.au (To ensure your submission is posted please include your full name.)

Monday, 29 October 2007

PIRSA policy for transporting horses into SA

PIRSA Policy on moving Equine Influenza vaccinated horses into
South Australia from non-infected jurisdictions

On Monday 22nd October PIRSA released the following Policy for moving horses into South
Australia that have been vaccinated with the ProteqFlu type vaccines in non-infected
The Policy addresses the risks of introduction and dissemination of Equine Influenza
through the importation of vaccinated horses into SA from non-infected jurisdictions.

As restrictions are in place for the movement of horses from the EI zones in NSW
and Qld, vaccinated horses from NSW and Qld will not be considered in this policy.

To allow for horses vaccinated with ProteqFlu and ProteqFlu Te vaccines from noninfected
jurisdictions entry into South Australia, the applicant must apply for a permit
to introduce such horses into South Australia. After consideration, a permit may be
issued specifying the conditions of entry (as for non-vaccinated horses).
Vaccinated horses must have received both the primary vaccination and a secondary
booster vaccination against Equine Influenza using either ProteqFlu or ProteqFlu Te.
A period of four (4) weeks must have elapsed since the time of the primary
vaccination and entry to South Australia. A copy of the current vaccination certificate
must be forwarded to PIRSA along with the permit application.
The permit and vaccination certificate must accompany the horse(s) when they are
moved to South Australia.

Permit applications should be referred to PIRSA –

Infected areas in South East Queensland

As at 28 Oct pm - Reviewed and remains unchanged.


QLD Equine influenza vaccination buffer zone maps

It is now a legal requirement under the Livestock Identification Regulation (2005) for all owners of one or more horses to be registered with the DPI&F. Register your horse ownership and contact details and the LotOnPlan online.

Once registered online, all horse owners that are in the shaded yellow buffers zone should then phone their local veterinarian to make an appointment for vaccination. Vaccination and veterinary costs in the buffer zone are free of charge. If you do not have a veterinarian, phone the DPI&F on 13 25 23 and a DPI&F vet will be assigned to do the vaccination for you.

The proposed vaccination buffer zone shown below may be adjusted as the Vaccination Program progresses to take into account areas of low horse density and other natural barriers to spread of EI infection. However, this fine detail is not available at this stage. Therefore some horse owners who appear to be in the vaccination buffer zone shown below may find that they are not included, particularly those on the edges of the proposed vaccination buffer zone. More detailed maps of the buffer zone boundaries are available from the links at the bottom of the page. Please note the grid reference and find the corresponding map in the list below. (Note that some grids have sub-maps. The first map in the list provides the key.) The maps are in PDF format and will open in a new window.

All horse owners that are in the shaded yellow buffers zone should phone their local veterinarian to make an appointment for vaccination. Vaccination and veterinary costs in the buffer zone are free of charge. If you do not have a veterinarian, phone the DPI&F on 13 25 23 and a DPI&F vet will be assigned to do the vaccination for you.

More detailed maps of the buffer zone boundaries are available from the links at the bottom of the page. Please note the grid reference and find the corresponding map in the list below. (Note that some grids have sub-maps. The first map in the list provides the key.)

DPI&F Qld 26th October 2007.

Unconfirmed EI outbreak in Darkes Forest / Illawarra

There have been unconfirmed reports of EI outbreak in Darkes Forest / Illawarra area NSW. This is an Partially Red Zone (Restricted Area) Partially Amber Zone (Restricted Area).

NSW Movement of horses

Three race meetings have been approved at Ballina on the 26 and 31 October and at Bathurst on 31 October 2007.

Current information on the guidelines for the all movements of horses can be found at: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/equine-influenza/movements.

Amber zone travelling statements (approved race meetings only)

You can only use a Travelling Horse Statement - Amber Zone (approved race meetings only) if:

1. The horses are to be moved within NSW only
2. The horses are to be moved from one point within the Amber Zone in NSW to another point within the Amber Zone in NSW.
3. The trip will not go into or through a Green, Red, Purple or Vaccination Buffer or another state.
4. The horses have not shown any signs of respiratory disease (coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, elevated temperature) in the past 30 days or while they are travelling under a Travelling Horse Statement.
5. The horses have not been within a Restricted Area, an Infected Place, the Red, Purple or Vaccination Buffer or within 10 kilometres of any infected premises since 1 August 2007.

If you fail to satisfy ANY of the conditions above you may require a different permit to move the horses or, in the case of horses showing signs of disease, a certificate from a veterinarian to state that the horses are free of equine influenza. Please look at the Green Zone, Amber Zone, Red Zone, Purple Zone and Vaccination Buffer pages for more information on movement in these zones or the permits page for information on applying for a permit.

If horses show any clinical signs during the journey you must stop and notify the hotline 1800 675 888.

Movements of healthy horses will be allowed to an approved race meeting in the Amber Zone only if a Travelling Horse Statement (Statement) is duly completed and any movement is in accordance with the following conditions.

1. By completing a Statement you declare that:
(a) You are the owner or person in charge of the horses and are authorised to complete the Statement;
(b) You have confirmed that the movement complies with current movement restrictions on horses;
(c) The horses described in the Statement are healthy or, if they have shown any signs of respiratory disease (coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge and/or elevated temperature) in the previous 30 days, they have been checked by a veterinarian within the 24 hours prior to movement and do not have equine influenza;
(d) You have read, understood and agree to all Conditions set out in the Statement.
(e) You understand that if any information in the Statement is found to be false or misleading, any movement carried out pursuant to the Statement may be unauthorised.
2. Any movement of horses during the current Equine Influenza Outbreak in NSW may increase the risk of horses contracting Equine Influenza (both for horses being moved and horses which they may come in contact with, whether directly or indirectly). Accordingly it is a condition of any movement made pursuant to this Statement that the person completing the Statement agree and acknowledge that the Minister for Primary Industries, the NSW Department of Primary Industries and its employees and officers, and the State of NSW, is not in any way liable for any cost, expense, loss, damage, claim, action, proceeding or other liability incurred by or made against you as a result of any animal contracting Equine Influenza.
3. The Statement must be carried with the horses at all times when moving horses pursuant to this Statement.
4. The Statement may only be used in connection with the movement described therein.
5. The Statement must be shown to an Inspector (including a police officer) on request.
6. If using the Statement in connection with travel to a horse event the unique Travelling Horse Statement number situated on the top right of the Statement must be provided to the event organiser upon arrival.
7. The Statement will not be valid unless it is signed and dated where indicated.
8. The horses are being moved to a race meeting that has been approved by the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer.
9. A copy of this statement must be retained by the owner or person in charge of the horse at both the origin and destination for at least 7 weeks.
10. Any instructions for completing this Statement form part of these Conditions.

If you have satisfied the above questions and are prepared to meet the specified conditions fill in the Travelling Horse Statement form at the link below. When you select 'Save', your information will be stored in our database and you will be presented with a form that you have to print out, sign and date, and take with you when you move the horses.

Please note: Empty floats and horse tack returning to Victoria must be cleaned and disinfected and require a permit, which can be otained from DPI Victoria by calling 03 9217 4471.

Attention Telstra & Bigpond Users

There is a fault with some Telstra hardware that is affecting some users from viewing www.horsedeals.com.au

We are working on rectifying this as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

A few questions for the AHIC

A couple of questions for the Horse Council, perhaps Rod Hoare could post the answers here for all to see as this seems to be a popular point of reading what is going on with EI.

To date, what has been the response to the AHIC Survey in regard to supporting the eradication program?

How many people have responded to the survey?

Will we get to see a break down of the results, state by state?

(The survey I refer to is this one http://www.surveymaster.com/AHIC/Q3.asp )

Having read the AUSVETPLAN, cover to cover, can you please tell me what the dollar value is of the 'agreed limit', or point me to where this agreed limit has been published.

As horse owners that are going to be expected to pickup 80% of the cost of this eradication plan, under the 'Cost Sharing Agreement', I believe we as horse owners deserve to know what this agreed limit is in dollars!!

Look forward to your response
Thank you

Cindy M
SE Qld

Equine Influenza information evening

Hi guys,
I have organized a EI Information evening at Horseland Bega this Wednesday the 31st of October at 5.45pm.
Guest speakers and power point presentations include;

Amanda O'neil - Her family was locked down at Parkes show ground for approx 7 weeks
EFA statement - President of EFA statement will be read out by Horseland Bega sponsored rider Sandra Kenny.
Peter Atkinson - Vet Surgeon involved in the Vaccination of the race horses up and down the coast will give a power point presentation.
Andrew Constance - Local member of Parliament.
DPI - Department of primary industries representative
RLPB - Rural lands protection board representative.
Centrelink - centrelink representative.
After guest speakers we will open the floor to questions from the public.
this evening is organized to gain factual information and hopefully put some confidence back into our area and our industry.
For any inquiries please call 02 64920611 or e mail bega@horseland.net.au